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Snow Lake Cottagers Association

2025 Winter Scuttlebutt - Annual Meeting & Annual Dues Information

March 08, 2025 10:50 AM | Anonymous

Welcome to the SNOW LAKE boating season and the summer of 2025! I hope you all had a wonderful winter break and are as excited as I am to dive into the new season.

The annual meeting will be at the Fremont Library on JUNE 14th at 9am

Click for directions here: 1004 Toledo St, Fremont, IN 46737

PLEASE plan to attend this meeting as we discuss:

Increased lake patrol  |  our grant from the State of Indiana for weed control  |  nominations & election of a Vice President  |   new board members  |  news from our DNR officer  |  an aquatic state of the lake update  |  increased neighborhood leader involvement and your involvement as a resident of SNOW LAKE  |  potential social events  |  a continued effort to move towards electronic communication

As we address the business of maintaining our beautiful lake, we emphasize the importance of EVERYONE paying their lake dues this year.  In the past approximately 50% of the Snow Lake residents have funded the Association initiatives supporting lake maintenance. We need the support of everyone to sustain and enhance these initiatives which ensure the safety, enjoyment and the residential value the lake provides all of us.  Please encourage your neighbors to contribute their dues every year. Annual dues are $50 and contributions exceeding this amount are greatly appreciated. 

These funds are crucial for the upkeep and health of SNOW LAKE. 

They help us with:

Combating invasive weeds  |  Conducting essential water testing  |  Oiling geese and swan eggs  |  Purchase and maintenance of channel markers  |  And more!

Membership dues are payable online at https://snowlake.wildapricot.org/Membership or can be mailed to SLCA PO Box 661 Fremont, IN 46737. (Online highly encouraged for access to ongoing communications & streamlined administration.) 

Please consider supplementing your dues with a contribution to the scholarship and/or Lake James 4th of July fireworks fund.  You can do this on the website via the donations page at https://snowlake.wildapricot.org/Donate or adding a memo to your check.

SLCA Officers:   

President: Gus ReedVice President: Doug Weidner

Treasurer: Allison Lucas     Secretary: Dina Avgoustis

Board Members: Donnie Absher, Sameer Sharma, Bill Scheele 

** Nominations and elections for the offices of Vice President and Treasurer will be accomplished at the Annual Meeting **

Lake Area Representatives:

North Snow Bay: Dennis CattellSouth Morley: Donnie Absher

North Morley: Mark BockPokagon Bay: David Roebel 

Hickory Island: Gus ReedDeer Island: Open

East Shore: Larry GunkelSprague: Jeff Ryenga 

Lakeview: Austin LucasLakeview East: Roger Horman

Timber Bay: Bill ScheeleMobile Home Park: Lisa Boone

As always, please reach out to me, at gusreed59@gmail.com, if you have questions or comments. 

See you on June 14th at the library,


Snow Lake Cottagers Association is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. PO Box 661, Fremont, IN 46737

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